H11/H8/H9 LED Headlight: Best LED Bulbs for your Vehicle

H11/H8/H9 LED Headlight: Best LED Bulbs for your Vehicle
Socket / Size Compatibility:
Some cars employed H11 fog lamps. However, Ledlightjeep H11/H8/H9 LED headlights bulb may replace high and low beams. They are adaptable and work with fog lamps and 9005 (high beam) and 9006 (low beam) plugs.
Wattage and brightness are where the differences between 9005 and 9006 models reside in specific car models. H11 single-beam 50W light bulbs use less energy than 9005 high-beam halogen lights, which use 65W. In comparison to high beam 9005s, they are also slightly dimmer. H11 light bulbs are brighter than 9006 beam halogen lamps, while both use the same amount of power (50W).
The following is how H11, H8, and H9 differ: H8 is on the lower end at 35W, while H9 is 65W. H8 is likewise not as brilliant as H11 or H9. Nevertheless, H9 (65W) is brighter than H11 (50W).
We advise you to choose headlight bulbs that match the size of your original halogen lights. This is to guarantee that the light bulbs will fit your light housing precisely.
Lastly, without seeing a discernible decrease in brightness. In addition, the H11 LED has a longer lifespan than any other halogen light.
Supported Vehicles:
Need to be more specific about the kind of bulbs your car can handle? Visit our official website, and "By Vehicles" will be located in the center-left. This will automatically identify the bulb your vehicle is compatible with from the catalogue.
If you need help, scroll down briefly for the make, year, and model drop-down choices. And everything was resolved.
How to Install H11 Bulbs:
The Ledlightjeep Headlights' plug-and-play design makes installation simple. After less than ten minutes of installation, you may begin using them. This is a simple eight-step installation tutorial:
- Remove the headlight cover/dust cover.
- Locate the stock bulbs and twist them counterclockwise to unscrew them.
- Detach the wires of the bulb from the vehicle’s connectors.
- Please remove the original lightbulb and store it in the glove compartment as a backup.
- Attach the bulb wires to vehicle connectors. *
- Place Ledlightjeep H11/H9/H8 LED Headlight into the slot and turn clockwise to secure.
- Place the wiring into the headlight housing.
- Place the dust cover back to its original place and secure.
- All Done!
We recommend adjusting your headlights after you install the bulbs. This ensures that the lighting and beams remain correct and that you install the bulbs properly.
Reattach the wires after you remove them from the connector. Rotate the wires 180 degrees if the fans or bulbs do not light up. Given that the poles are now inverted, this should do the trick.
Vehicle owners who want to restore their headlights can save money by visiting our site. They can learn how to do it themselves.
Best H11/H8/H9 LED Bulbs in the Market:
Why convert from halogen to LED light bulbs? More precisely, why Ledlightjeep ?
To begin with, LED headlight bulbs are 600% brighter than Halogen ones. Ledlightjeep H11 LED bulbs use a special CSP chip. They produce a bright light with 100W and 6500K color. The brightness is 20000ML.
Moreover, Ledlightjeep bulbs are free of the blue tones, brightness fades, and black spots that affect typical LED headlights. They outperform OEM headlights when it's raining, snowing, or foggy.
Ledlightjeep H11/H8/H9 LED Headlight Bulbs with 12,000RPM Speed Super fan also provide quick heat diffusion in addition to the above. Additionally, the 50,000 hours/10-year extended life term guarantees a sufficient lifespan for these bulbs.