How Long do Halogen, LED, and HID Bulbs Last? Bulb Degradation Explained

How Long do Halogen, LED, and HID Bulbs Last? Bulb Degradation Explained
Likely, your headlights are not as brilliant as they once were if they are a few years old. We refer to this phenomenon as "headlight bulb degradation." The process of deteriorating or falling to a less helpful level is called degradation. Bulb degradation causes gradual dimming.
This process takes place over an extended period and is applicable to all headlight bulb types, including LED, HID, and halogen. Degradation of the bulbs is inevitable, regardless of whether they are OEM or aftermarket.
How do halogen bulbs degrade over time?
OEM halogen headlights are standard on the majority of cars. Halogen bulbs are the most susceptible to bulb degradation and have the shortest lifespan. Your halogen bulb has a wire-round tungsten filament inside the glass capsule. A positive voltage will be applied to one side of the filament and a negative voltage to the other. The circular tungsten filament will get quite hot when these voltages come together. Halogen, a gas found inside the lightbulb, keeps the filament from overheating and perhaps igniting flames. You now know what halogen bulbs are called. The tungsten filament will eventually deteriorate if the halogen bulb's on-and-off cycle is repeatedly processed. Degradation increases, and filament life decreases with increased use of halogen lights. Brightness begins to diminish as you have less shine from your tungsten filament. Likely, your headlights are not as brilliant as they once were if they are a few years old. We refer to this phenomenon as "headlight bulb degradation." The process of deteriorating or falling to a less helpful level is called degradation. Bulb degradation causes gradual dimming.
According to the power, brand, and style of the bulb, halogen headlight bulbs only have a rated lifespan of 500–1000 hours. Before the light bulb even approaches the end of its useful life, you will notice light degradation of up to 70% to 80% within the predicted lifespan. For a motorist, an 80% reduction in light will be a significant problem. Before the expected lifespan of your halogen bulbs is up, you must change them. You have two options for upgrading your headlights: either get new halogen bulbs or switch to a different technology, such as LEDs or HIDs. Your original halogen lights will be far less brilliant than HIDs and LEDs.
How do HID bulbs degrade over time?
The majority of older cars on the road now have halogen headlights as standard equipment. HID headlights, commonly referred to as bi-xenon headlights, are currently being produced by an increasing number of automakers. Approximately two decades ago, this technique was first applied to vehicle illumination. HIDs contain an interior capsule filled with chemicals and an outside glass shell instead of a filament inside the bulb. These substances may include metal halides, minerals, and xenon gas. The bulb produces an arc inside the HID when power is applied. The light source will be made when the arc that jumps through the chemicals from positive to negative ignites into plasma. Comparing this light source to the outdated halogen lights, it will be much brighter. Depending on which Kelvin temperature works best for you, you can receive varied colors because HIDs use a chemical composition.
Like halogen bulbs, the HIDs will deteriorate over time due to the on/off heating and cooling operation. The gas and metal salts contained in the capsule will break down more slowly than the chemicals in a halogen bulb. According to estimates, HID bulbs should last 5,000 hours on average. Despite being ten times better than the halogen lights you replaced, HIDs will eventually experience light degradation. HIDs will degrade by 40% to 50% by the end of their anticipated lifespan, compared to 70% to 80% for halogen bulbs.
How do LED bulbs degrade over time?
The newest product available for headlight bulbs is LED bulbs.
- The brightest choice
- The longest lifespan
- Little deterioration
- Extremely minimal upkeep
With these attributes, it's easy to understand why LEDs could be a wise option for your lighting. LED headlight bulbs have the potential to be two to four times brighter than specific HID systems and three to six times brighter than halogen lamps. LEDs are the most durable, with a usable lifespan of 50,000 hours. It will become clear why LEDs are such a popular upgrade when you compare that to 5,000 hours with HIDs. Only 20% to 30% of the bulb will deteriorate during those 50,000 usable hours. This implies that the LED will continue to operate at only 20% degradation over time, but the halogen and HID bulbs will decrease by 50% to 80% of their original brightness.
You need to understand how an LED bulb works in order to comprehend how deterioration occurs in LEDs. The LED, which is found in the bulb's stock, is the component that produces the light source. Although the semiconductor material used to make LEDs can also get hot and cold, these diodes are far more resilient than other light sources and have a higher tolerance for heat cycling. 20% to 30% of LED bulbs degrade over time due to continuous on-and-off heat cycling. Once more, compared to halogen and HID bulbs, this is a far lower rate of degradation.
You may upgrade your headlights with confidence now that you understand the distinctions between Halogen, HID, and LED. A catastrophic failure would be the only other issue you might encounter. This malfunction is frequently referred to as a "burnt-out bulb." Bulbs may experience this if the filament breaks or if a component within the capsule ceases to connect. LEDs may experience this if the fan or LED driver malfunctions before the anticipated lifespan is over. This is a compelling argument for choosing a reliable, high-quality company that stands behind its parts.
In addition to our extensive knowledge of lighting technology, we also have a fantastic staff of customer care professionals ready to assist you in determining the best update for your cars.