How To Correctly Remove Your Jeep’s Doors

How To Correctly Remove Your Jeep’s Doors
Removing the doors is one of the most common ways to modify the appearance of your Gladiator or Wrangler. Whether off-road, in the country, or an urban setting, you may enjoy a more thrilling ride after removing these obstacles.
Depending on your Jeep’s model and skill level, removing the doors should take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes, but this tutorial makes it more accessible. Discover the proper way to remove the doors from your Jeep.
Necessary Tools and How To Store Doors
Ensure you have a #T40 and a #T50 Torx head driver before starting the job. The head of the Torx wrench, also known as a Torx key or Torx bit, is shaped like a six-pointed star. You may apply more tension with this shape without causing any harm to the head. The Jeep Tool Kit includes a tiny ratchet, a #T40 Torx bit, and a #T50 Torx bit.
Take your Jeep doors off on a level, stable surface, such as your garage or driveway. Naturally, before you start the removal process, make sure you have a place to safely lower them. One way to store your doors is on blankets on the floor. However, this takes up a lot of room and exposes the door to onlookers.
Your garage wall can also be used to hang your doors. Use hooks that can support up to fifty pounds. Pool noodles can line the hooks on your door to protect the window frames.
Using a door storage cart is a last resort. Because they are portable, you can use these carts in places other than your house. After removing the doors from your Jeep, you may wheel them to the desired location and store them upright in the storage cart. Despite conserving space, it is more expensive than alternative solutions.
Prepare the Doors
Fold in the side-view mirrors before removing the front doors. If the mirrors aren’t protruding, it will be simpler to store the doors. In this manner, there’s a lower chance that you’ll break the mirrors when removing and storing them.
Then, lower the windows. You can still remove the doors even if your windows are jammed shut. However, removing the door from the frame is more straightforward with the windows down.
Remove the black safety strap inside the door jambs after the windows have been rolled down. These straps help prevent denting of your Jeep’s doors and fenders by limiting how far out the doors may swing.
Remove the Wiring Harness
Unplugging the wiring harness that supplies electricity to the door is the next step in adequately removing your Jeep’s doors if it has power windows and locks. The plastic access door to the wiring is located behind the instrument panel. To remove this cover, slide it back. To avoid damaging the plastic cover or the tabs holding it, slide the cover off rather than prying it out.
After removing the lid, you can disconnect the wiring harness. Apply pressure to the red pushpin. The safety pin should then be pushed down. Lastly, push the white piece upward and outward.
Pull the harness straight down while the harness lever is up. The electrical harness will be disconnected. The connector can be kept in your car’s lower door basket.
Remove the Door’s Hinge Pin Screws and Check the Screws
Take off the hinge pin screws first. Using a #T50 Torx head driver, remove the hinge pin screws from the top and lower hinges of your car’s door. Put the hinge pin screws in the bolt tray of your Jeep.
The door check can then be accessed by opening the door. The door check, often known as a door brake, stops the door of your car from opening or closing too firmly. After removing the check screw with the #T40 Torx head driver, place it in the bolt tray.
While the door is still open, stand outside the car. Grab the handle on the door’s armrest through the open window with one hand. Next, grasp the door’s exterior bottom edge with your free hand. Pull the door out after raising it so the hinges slide up from the pins.
You can use a Jeep door removal tool if you’re worried about harming yourself or breaking the door or windows. Alternatively, ask someone to help you raise and lower the door.
Grasp the armrest handle and grip onto the side-view mirror base to carry the door to your storage place. Next, remove your other doors by following the identical procedure as the first one. To ensure you have adequate space to work comfortably, slide the front driver’s and passenger’s seats forward before removing the back doors.
Replace Side-View Mirrors
Check your local laws to make sure your doorless Jeep is street-legal before venturing outdoors. In some states, you must have one side mirror, and in others, you must have two.
You can install your side-view mirror replacement on the door hinge, windshield pillar, or tube doors. Although door hinge mirrors are cheap and simple to install and remove, their visibility is worse. Mounting mirrors on windshield pillars is more expensive, but it improves visibility and is simple to install and remove.
Lastly, adding mirrors to tube doors improves vision, although doing so will require buying tube doors. However, tube doors are still necessary to create an outdoor atmosphere without fully opening your Jeep cabin to the outdoors. In this manner, you’ll value the ease of having your side-view mirrors and tube doors installed simultaneously.
Improve Your Jeep With Ledlightjeep
One of the most incredible things about having a Jeep is being able to customize your vehicle and ride your rig without any doors. Jeep Gladiator aftermarket accessories from Ledlightjeep make it simple to improve the appearance of your Jeep. Browse our excellent collection right now.